and Other British Mysteries
The video, "Stonehenge, etc" is a short intro to the ancient phenomena of stoneworks: standing stones, stone circles, stone rows and such that you may find all over Europe. In fact you may find such things all over the world — the pyramids of Egypt and Mexico, for instance, would fit my definition. Shapes, circles and debris that have some sort of cultural significance, yet now perhaps exist in a ruined form. I mention Stonehenge in particular because most can relate to it, have heard of it, even if they don't know what it is, exactly. Turns out nobody knows what it is exactly. The Cerne Abbas Giant is less secretive; it is quite obviously something to do with fertility. We present you with a remote circle of 19 boulders in Torhouse, Galloway, Scotland and some white horses on Wiltshire hillsides. The horses are related to the Cerne Giant in Dorset, a remnant that broadcasts its meaning far and wide. You needn't go far from the giant before you discover somebody whose life has been forever altered by association.
Anyway, here's just a sampling, enough for us to have followed up the travel film, "It's Great! Britain" with one called "Etched in Stone: Scotland to Provence" which draws more attention to the stone artifacts strewn across centuries of civilization since the Stone Age. There's plenty more where this stuff came from, and we'll be getting to lots of it yet. I think it's the Celtic blood.
Anyway, here's just a sampling, enough for us to have followed up the travel film, "It's Great! Britain" with one called "Etched in Stone: Scotland to Provence" which draws more attention to the stone artifacts strewn across centuries of civilization since the Stone Age. There's plenty more where this stuff came from, and we'll be getting to lots of it yet. I think it's the Celtic blood.