However, we are treating the half we HAVE finished as a complete guide to the California Missions of Father Junipero Serra and aiming to market the DVD to gift shops, bookstores and Serra International.
During our last trip to California, in April, we went to Mission Santa Barbara, "The Queen of Missions," which was the next one begun after the death of Serra. It's almost a Serra Mission. He was there to raise the cross and bless the site, but then there was his controversial relationship with Governor Neve, who probably vetoed the new mission just because he and Father Serra didn't see eye to eye.
Serra said "in my poor judgment this is not a good place for a presidio or a mission," but it is an uncharacteristically negative remark.
Anyway: we have the DVD of "The Missions of Father Serra," (that's the first nine missions) plus two bonus tracks, as we used to say in the music biz: Santa Barbara and Soledad. Well, we will have it next week. It's being mastered and produced at Dale and Sandy Johnson's Trailwood Films in Shelbyville, Kentucky. It's looking good and we just got the covers from the printer in south Shreveport.